In January, I signed up for #Ship30for30 and I did not succeed by most measures. I started a week late and only published 14 atomic essays.

28 days ago I began #100dayproject. This post is my 28th day of publishing online and it is Day 1 of the next cohort of Ship30for30. As I reflect on my participation in the last cohort, even though it might be considered a failure, I credit with my current success.

#Ship30for30 taught me the importance of actually shipping creative work. No longer am I drafting blog posts to never publish them. Rather, I hit publish and move on to the next day and next blog.

#Ship30for30 also taught me that atomic essays are ok. Posts do not have to be lengthy and in-depth. Short and sweet can communicate ideas that can always be revisited in future posts.

#Ship30for30 emphasized the importance of building habits around writing. This was my motivation for joining Ship30for30 initially was to build a daily writing habit. I took a bit longer than most but I am happy with the habits I have created that support daily writing.