In 2016, I started publicly doing accessibility and accessible design work. Create Accessibility was my #Col16 Google Innovator Academy project. I believed and still believe that accessible design elements can be taught, learned, and applied by people of all ages to create a more inclusive online space.

Fast forward a few months and I began doing teacher trainings at various conferences. I presented to small audiences. Most attendees were already involved in accessibility work. The reach of accessible design was not expanding with my work.

I shifted my trainings on a particular app such as Google Sites and accessibility. This change garnered a few more attendees but the needle was not moving.

After more than two years devoted to accessible design work, I got burned out and stopped leading in this area. I could not sustain the work for a number of reasons that I may write about in the future.

Today I attended a online professional learning on accessibility within our learning management system (LMS) Canvas. My heart is full because it was well-attended. Attendees were there because they saw a need and wanted to learn how to do better.

Even though I encounter inaccessible content on a daily basis, today’s experience reminded me how far the needle has moved. For today I will focus on this metric rather than the work that still needs to be accomplished.