I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions but #oneword is appealing in its simplicity.  The first word that came to mind was discover. Discover is active. It has a sense of adventure that can take many forms. It conveys a sense of pursuing the unknown. These are all things that I can identify with life-long learning and I can visualize spending 2015 discovering many new things.

But, before settling on discover as my 2015 #oneword, I was curious of its etymology. Discover comes from the Latin word cooperire with dis– expressing the opposite. Discooperire in its original use means to uncover, disclose, lay bare, expose. Uncover paints a picture of something already being there and my role is to go and find it.  Look behind the curtain so to speak. I want to spend 2015 asking, “Why?” and challenge myself to look for the deeper meaning to achieve greater understanding. Also within this Latin definition, I am drawn to the vulnerability conveyed in the words disclose and expose. It is not enough to go through this process of discovery without sharing. Learning is a constant exchange and refinement and negotiation of ideas. Without exposing or laying bare one’s ideas, triumphs, and failures to discover is incomplete. Though it wasn’t exactly planned out this way, I feel fortunate that I began this blog at the end of 2014 because it will provide a venue to disclose my discoveries in 2015.  As I discover, I aspire to uncover new things while also exposing myself to new ideas and learning.