Why Blog? One of many reasons is that it provides time and space for reflection. The process of writing or even creating a visual image helps to clarify ideas. We live in a fast-paced world and often our only speed is “Go!” It is so easy to get sucked into this pace without an obvious exit plan. I am guilty of this. It has been several weeks since my last blog and last reflection. It’s easy to say that I’ve been busy which would not be a lie but in the frenzied pace if you never slow down, stop, and reflect, it creates unnecessary stress and imbalance. Currently, I’m finishing up final preparations for a big Teacher Professional Development day tomorrow. I stopped what I was doing, and just crafting this short post, I already feel calmer and more relaxed. Even though my to-do list didn’t shrink as a result of this post, I am feel more prepared for tomorrow. I have been missing the process of allowing my mind to slow down and zoom out or in on some of my ongoing projects or ideas that blogging provides for me. Just one of many reasons to jump back into the #EdBlogADay challenge.