Directed Draws are a great way to get students (and adults) started with Google Drawing. They provided a playful, non-threatening means to introduce various tools, tips, and tricks within Google Drawing. I love seeing the wide variations in products that occur when using Directed Draws in classrooms or during professional learning. I always start with a sample product and emphasize that the objective is not to create an identical product. Risks and variations are encouraged. If you want to get started with Google Drawing, try this directed Draw.  For me, Google Drawing is the pot o’ gold in the Rainbow of Google Drive.

  1. Create a New Google Drawing File. > New > More > Drawings or just type into the Chrome browser.
  2. Create the Rainbow using the Arc shape.
  3. Create the pot and coins using the can or cylinder shape.
  4. Be creative and customize the colors, add text, create a four leaf clover and more to make the drawing your own.

A few extra keyboard shortcuts to help with this project

  • Shift + Arrow Keys:  This will nudge your shape 1 pixel at a time.  This will be useful as you line up your rainbow
  • Control/Command + D: This will duplicate your selected shape. Very helpful for all your gold coins!