Go Slow to go fast. Or, Less is more. I’ve slowed down my pace in the classroom. We get less “done” but there is a calmness to the air. We are spending more time questioning, wondering, and following our curiosity. Learning is happening without a sense of urgency adding to already existing anxiety.
I really do not like the dark days of Winter. Even though February has been brighter than January, I find myself over the dark days. I can’t wait to return home and still have several hours of sunlight starting next month.
Creating is essential to being creative. Sounds reasonable, right? But I had lost sight of actually doing the creating. Now, I find myself creating different things beyond the daily blog post. Creating one thing creates momentum to create another which further builds momentum and the creation process continues. When in a rut, create. Whatever you create quite possibly will be terrible but the process of starting is the key. And then continue. Eventually a new habit is formed.
Habits are amazing. Even tiny habits. This is Day 16 of #100dayproject of writing everyday. I have gone further with this writing habit than I did with #Ship30for30. My focus has just been writing what comes to mind without worrying about applying the strategies and learnings from #Ship30. With the focus being exclusively on the habit, the habit grows.