When I first began teaching my administrator emphasized the 3 Ps for our classroom–plants, projects, and pets. I was reluctant on the pets because of the care involved and eventually settled on a beta fish. Fast forward 20 plus years and I currently work in a building without windows so I have fake plants and no pets.

Yesterday I was pushed into a class with a substitute teacher who had a virtual aquarium on the corner of the Promethean board. Besides the tropical fish swimming there was low relaxing music playing the whole time. The room had a nice calm vibe to it that rubbed off on me and the students. She showed me how to do it and I used it today in my room. It was magical.

It is really simple. Open YouTube on the Promethean board browser and search for aquarium. There are lots of choices and many are hours long. Choose one to play. Minimize the video. It will appear in the lower right corner of your Promethean board. Then open up the whiteboard or share screen or other app that you use with students.

It creates such a relaxing and calm setting. I even kept it playing while I ate lunch and prepped in my room. Definitely a simple and easy win.
